Invitation for IGCC Speed Business Mixer, 5 November 2019, Warsaw
Belgian Chamber of Commerce, British-Polish Chamber of Commerce, French-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Irish-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Dutch-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Polish-German Chamber of Commerce Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce. Polish-Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce are organizing Speed Business Meeting, which will be held at 6.00 pm in Warsaw Marriott Hotel, Al. Jerozolimskie 65/79.
Participation in the event requires prior registration (max. 1 person from the company).
The applications should be sent until October 29, 2019.
Agenda and more details are attached below
PL formularz-speedbusinessmeeting_5-11-2019
PL Zaproszenie i regulamin_SpeedBusinessMeeting_5 11 2019
The participation fee: 100 PLN