On March 12, the Polish Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of Canada in Poland jointly hosted this year’s Spring Reception at the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw. The event, held under the theme of Security, gathered numerous Chamber members, friends of the Embassy, and distinguished guests, including representatives from Polish and Canadian security and defense sectors.
In her welcome address, Ambassador Catherine Godin emphasized the deepening bilateral cooperation between Poland and Canada in the areas of defense and security. She highlighted the strong partnership between the two nations as trusted NATO allies, standing in solidarity in the face of global challenges.
Poland’s Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Andrzej Szejna, also spoke about the strategic importance of the Polish-Canadian partnership, reaffirming the shared commitment to maintaining security and stability.
Bernhard Otterstein, President of the PCCC, expressed his gratitude to the event’s sponsors, whose generous support made the evening possible. The Gold Sponsors of the reception were CGI Polska, Galvion and KKG Legal, while the Bronze Sponsors included Genetec, Jakubaszek & Wspólnicy, MCKB, and Pratt & Whitney Kalisz.
Throughout the evening, guests enjoyed engaging discussions, networking opportunities, and a selection of fine Canadian wines and Polish Perła beer. The event once again reinforced the strong ties between Poland and Canada, highlighting the shared values and growing collaboration between the two nations.