June 20, 2015

Grand Speed Business Mixer in Łódż

The PCCC was proud to participate in the first Grand Speed Business Mixer which took place in Łódż on 6th March. The event was the first of its kind bringing together members of nine bi-lateral chambers of commerce for the opportunity to present their companies and build networks.  The main organizer of the evening was […]

June 19, 2015

Winter Reception 2014

The Winter Reception was held at the Canadian Embassy on 4th February, with the theme Winter Olympic Games. In conjunction with the Embassy of Canada, the PCCC held the Winter Reception at the Embassy on 4th February, with the theme Winter Olympic Games.  After a short introductory welcome by Ambassador Alexandra Bugailiskis, the guests were […]

June 18, 2015

Christmas Business Mixer 2013

The PCCC Christmas Business Mixer was held on December 18th in the Beaver Club at the Canadian Embassy. As well as regular members, members of the Skandinavian-Polish CoC were also invited.  Short presentations were made by Michael Miasek (Vice-President PCCC and President of Vac Aero), Rouslan Kats (Trade Counsellor, Embassy of Canada), Kari Vahaangas (Head […]

June 17, 2015

Speed Business Mixer

The PCCC was pleased to co-organize a Speed Business Mixer on 20th November, 2013 together with the AHK German, Spanish and Belgian Chambers of Commerce. The evening was well attended with over 100 companies participating in the lively networking program.  The event took place in the grand Sala Kilińskiego at ul. Miodowa 14 and was […]

June 16, 2015

Canada Day Picnic 2013

The 2013 Canada Day Picnic took place at Golf Parks Poland in Wilanów on 30th June.  Despite the chilly weather, a warm crowd of over 150 people gathered to celebrate Canada’s national day. We were pleased to welcome Colonel Daniel Geleyn, Defence Attache, who represented the Embassy of Canada.  All guests enjoyed a barbeque, mini-golf, […]

June 16, 2015

Wroclaw Business Mixer October 2013

The PCCC were delighted to host a business reception at the Art Hotel in honour of the Ambassador of Canada to Poland H.E. Alexandra Bugailiskis’ visit to Dolnośłąsk. Included in her itinerary were visits to Canadian firms Bombardier and Redknee, as well as to KGHM’s headquarters in Lubin. In attendance at the evening reception were Vice Governer […]

June 15, 2015

2nd Edition of Speed Presentation Night

A successful 2nd edition of the new format Speed Presentation Night took place on 6th June at the Beaver Club of the Embassy of Canada. The evening opened with a line up of 10 companies each making three minute “speed” presentation.  We were pleased to have members of the Small, Medium Enterprise group of AmCham […]

June 14, 2015

2013 Golf tournament at Sobienie Królewskie

The PCCC joined forces with the Scandinavian Chamber of Commerce to hold its 2013 golf tournament at Sobienie Królewskie outside of Warsaw on 18th May. The day’s activities included a tournament for seasoned players as well as an academy for novices.  The event was rounded out by a barbeque and awards gala for the best […]

June 13, 2015

Spring Mixer at Mielżyński’s

Our International Spring Business MIxer took place at Mielżyński’s All Around Wine on 10th May, 2013. We were delighted to welcome HE the Ambassador of Canada, Mrs. Alexandra Bugailiskis as well as the Board Members and Executive Directors of our fellow IGCC chambers (International Group of Chambers of Commerce- Amcham, Belgian, British, Dutch, French, German, […]